Prep My Life

“The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.” 
― Juma Ikangaa

In an attempt to not only make my life easier when it comes to meal preparation but to also save money, I decided it would be a good idea to create a weekly menu plan and grocery list.
In the past I found myself popping into the grocery store 2-3 times a week with the intention of buying one thing because I hadn't planned my meal ahead of time and so needed something quick to cook.
The problem was that I'd end up coming out of the store with two bags of groceries and a fridge full of left overs that I ended up discarding. A sure recipe for disaster.

My big goal with the menu planning is to stay on track with eating Paleo and if I've done the leg work of planning it all out and doing the grocery shopping, then my chances of success will increase significantly. There will be little room for error.

If you're interested in a copy of the menu plan template send me an email or leave a comment and I would be happy to share it.
Have a great day!


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